Welcome to Bishampton Solar Energy Park Development

On 27 May 2021, Wychavon District Council granted planning consent for a solar farm with battery storage on land at Bishampton in Worcestershire.
Bishampton Solar Energy Park is owned and will be built and operated by the Infinis Group

This website provides some background to the project, outlines progress and expected next steps, and explains how you can contact us with any questions.

Latest News

Regular updates will appear in this section to keep you informed. This will give insight into the build stages and development progress.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us

January 2025 
The solar park has now been energised and is exporting renewable energy to the grid. 

Landscaping works are underway across the site.

27 May 2021 
Bishampton planning application approved

The solar energy park planning application, reference 20/02071/FUL, was granted approval at Wychavon District Council’s Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 27 May 2021. 

October 2020 
Solar planning application submitted 

Aura Power submitted the planning application to Wychavon District Council. 

About Us

The Infinis Group is a leading UK renewable energy generator with a portfolio of more than 150 operational energy generation sites, producing over 1,400 GWh of clean decentralised energy for communities across the UK.

Infinis developments generate renewable power from captured landfill methane and solar parks developed on former landfill sites and new solar sites, such as Bishampton.
Infinis operations make a positive impact on climate change mitigation by capturing and converting more than 400,000 tonnes of methane into electricity and generating renewable solar electricity. Our projects displace more than 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year compared to electricity from fossil fuels.

Positive Impact

Infinis is committed to building strong relationships and being a good neighbour and employer at all the sites we build and operate.  

We believe in ‘giving back’. Our team has provided funds and support to more than 150 local and UK charities. We also have an ongoing volunteering programme that provides practical support to organisations in need. 

Infinis will meet all commitments made by Aura Power to the community in advance of the planning consent. We welcome ongoing engagement on how to support the community as a good neighbour moving forward.

Before construction commences later this year, we would welcome your thoughts on how we can support the community around this site. Please contact us with any suggestions. 

Our Vision

Bishampton Solar Energy Park will export clean energy to the local grid network, generating enough electricity to meet the energy needs of approximately 7,800 average family homes. This will displace displacing over 9,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions compared to grid electricity reliant on fossil fuel sources. 

This project will contribute significantly towards the UK’s efforts for decarbonisation and security of energy supplies. It will provide a positive impact towards climate change, as well as delivering a Biodiversity Net Gain of at least 35% for habitats and 25% for hedgerows through landscape and ecological enhancements. This includes new woodland, hedgerow and grassland habitat, plus foraging opportunities for birds and other wildlife.

The organically managed, species-rich wildflower meadow grassland will be excellent for local butterflies and bees. Resting the land will also help improve soil quality for when the site returns to agricultural use at the end of the solar farm’s temporary consent. 


Details of how the construction stage will be managed in a safe, considerate, and environmentally responsible way will be set out in documents to be provided to Wychavon District Council as part of the Discharge of Conditions process. The Latest News section of this website will let you know when applications have gone in.  
During the construction stage, site manager contact details will be made available so that any concerns or day-to-day questions can be answered. Any concerns or questions can also be submitted through the Contact us page of this website.

Contact Us

Your questions and feedback are very important to us. You can contact our team using any of the methods below. 

Infinis Solar Limited
First Floor
500 Pavilion Drive
Northampton Business Park
Northampton NN4 7YJ